More Troops?
Quotes from the Baltimore Sun
Anthony H. Cordesman:
We keep confusing troop levels with the fact that there was no plan for stability operations, no commitment in terms of aid, no understanding of the political challenges.Besides the question of the number of deployed troops is the question as to whether their presence
The critical mistake wasn't one of troop levels, although I think if there had been a plan it would have called for significantly more troops and a longer troop presence.
is buying the time for reconciliation and effective governance and building the kind of Iraqi security forces that can take over the job - or not. This is a very high-risk operation where the odds of success are even at best.Michael O'Hanlon, military analyst at the Brookings Institution in Washington, says arguing over troop levels in Iraq
is a nice debate to have, but it doesn't have a bearing on the real world. . . we don't have that option.because The military is already under such strain.
Thomas E. Ricks, author of Fiasco, a best-selling history of the war.
The time for more American troops is clearly over. . . There aren't any more troops available.
Reading this, I guess the take-away from this development is that Al Qaeda has been more successful at turning over the war in Iraq to the Iraqis than the Bush administration. We're bogged down in Baghdad; Al Qaeda is opening a second front in a place we were supposed to have secured. What a disaster!
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